Taking Time For Yourself

Caring for a newborn can be all-consuming. Parents are often so focused on their baby that they can forget to take time for themselves. It’s understandable – parents are often exhausted, overwhelmed, and hyper-focused on their baby. Couples try to juggle time for a shower or cook a meal or grocery shop all while trading off caring for the baby. They are managing but not thriving.  Sound familiar? It doesn’t have to be this way.

Everyone needs time to focus on their own needs. Every couple needs time to spend together. This means letting other trusted individuals care for your baby while you are taking time for yourself. Having two or three people who you are comfortable with the care of your little one is that start. This is often a family member or friends, but it can also be a professional child care provider who can help.

Once you’ve identified these people then let them help you. This is harder for some parents that you may realize. If you are in this situation, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Certainly, give them all the instructions and tips to care for your baby while you are away, but you won’t need to micromanage them. Remember you chose these people because you are comfortable with them and trust their judgment. They are here for your baby and for you.

So you’ve found your helpers, now make a plan to focus on you. Maybe at first, this is time to take that shower or eat a meal without interruption or get to the grocery store for things you desperately need or even more fundamentally a good sleep – great that’s a start. However, we all know that taking time away to spend with your partner or other friends and family is very restorative. So do it! This isn’t just good for you; it’s also good for your baby. Your little one needs you to be able to focus on them to give them your best. No one can do that when you are running on empty.

While getting out and about with your baby to functions or activities is great and highly encouraged. You also need time away from the baby. So don’t think that by taking your baby everywhere with you, you are actually taking time for yourself. It’s not really happening. Make a plan, invite that caregiver to look after your baby, and step away so that when you return you are feeling rejuvenated.

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